
'sweetheart' vrchat model

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'sweetheart' vrchat model

31 ratings

If you purchased the original Sweetheart, DM me on Discord for a gumroad coupon code for $15 off. :)

showcase ♡

✦ ˚ . ˚ . ~ Includes ~ ✦ ˚ . ✦ . ˚

♡ a PC only avatar (you may convert her to quest if you want!~)
a read me with import instructions
♡ 3 prefabs: vanilla, caramel, cocoa (drag and drop the prefabs into your scene, instructions included)
fbt tested + ready
COMBO GESTURE! (this means none of your gestures will overlap, and will allow you 30+ different facial expressions by mixing different gestures)
custom blinking animation (chance to double or triple blink instead of the normal single blink)
able to manually blink by squeezing triggers while making a fist!
ear movements with facial expressions
ear twitch idle
physbones ready (almost everything grabbable, some posable)
go go locomotion! VERY HALF BODY FRIENDLY (5 sit animation toggles, 6 crouch animation toggles, 6 prone animation toggles, ability to freeze your lower half body, ability to float/fly, ability to turn off run/walk animation, ability to activate jump, and 8 emotes)

♥ * ♡ :。.。~ Toys/Contacts ~。.。: ♡ *

toggleable kiss contact
eyes close and have annoyed/surprised reaction when you touch either eye
nose boop reaction with sparkle audio and particles
toggle to change boop audio to a squeak, or to turn it off
angry/surprised reaction when ears are tugged too far
happy head pat reaction with hearts
toggle for purring when head pat
toggle for blush reaction when breasts or butt are touched
bell noise when collar is touched
toggleable slap with particles (slap anywhere with both hands, audio changes pitch with each slap)
toggles to disable particles, and toggle to disable audio
♡ toggle for bubble gun (shoots heart shaped bubbles when toggled on and doing the handgun gesture with your right hand)
toggle for kitty plushie
length radial for kitty
ability to grab kitty plushie with left fist (Let go to drop in world with open hand, or let go with open hand in original spot to re-holster)
toggles for kitty follower pet (hue shifts with you!)
tail wag animation toggle
toggle for wrist + ankle trails
heart spring joint toggle
toggleable marker system

☆.。.:* ~ Toggles ~ .。.:*☆

toggles for bunny ears, elf ears, and no ears
radial wheel for elf ears to lower them
toggle for tail
♡ hidden onesie toggle (it's my name in the main menu :))
toggles for: sweater, skirt, tank top, panties, pasties, and leg warmers
toggles for: glasses, glasses up, purse, belt, and lollipop
toggles for different bangs + short hair
dynamic penetration setup for vag, boobs and mouth (must own and import DPS yourself)

゚+*: ꔫ *﹤ ~ Customization ~ ﹥* ꔫ :*+゚

toggles for pink or black sweater
toggle for black and white outfit
glasses tint control
outfit hue shift (hue shift changes head pat hearts, bubble gun, plushies follower)
hair glitter control (brightness, saturation, hue)
hair emission control (brightness, saturation, hue)
6 hair color toggles for hair (white, blonde, brown, black, purple, and orange)
hue shift for purple hair.
controls for eye color (hue + saturation)
radial wheel for avatar lighting (bright -> dark - nice for brighter or darker worlds)

Credits to:

bellybutton piercing: skeletib
head: Cicieaaa (edit + texture edited by Ryuohh + stupid baby- you may not resell this head OR texture edit)
eye texture: awmi+ kri
base: Pandaabear (edit by stupid baby- edit not allowed for private or commerical use)
base texture: Ying
socks: Areonia
hair + ears: nikkie, Cupkake
tail: Eliza, Picklebarrel
heart piercings: LeBUBBLES
glasses: kold
collar + belt: Fooly
heart rings + purse: Parsley
sweater + skirt: Cupkake
tanktop: sleepy
panties: ChickenTendies
leg warmers: ничто
onesie: CHIBS
springjoint: neyko-nee
locomotion system: franada
heart particle: HOD
marker system: VRLabs
DPS system: Raliv
follower + system: Beartrap, Red
bubble gun: JellibeanFactory
blink system: cam

everything else by me~


please do not asset mine ♡ buy everything from the original sources! if you need more info, join my server!~

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I want this!

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